Dreaming Awake on the Solstice: The Body as Ceremony (two-day workshop)

with Tyrell Blacquemoss and Owl Rare

Friday, December 20th: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday, December 21st: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

$33 (until 12/13)
$44 (after 12/13)

Click here to register!

A movement meditation and a facilitated, interactive discussion on Afam Nation (African American sovereignty) spiritual technologies for dreaming with landscapes – geographies, emotional, portals. We will combine movement, reiki, body and voice to create tools for dream recall and consensual ancestor communication. During the second day of class, we will reflect on the previous night’s dreamwork and learn methods of divination and dream interpretation.

All of this work is in service of our collective intuition, knowing and freedom. Between classes, an evening performance as an example of body as ceremony.

Tyrell Blacquemoss or TBN – Certification in Usui Reiki I and II, has taught about dream practices for 2 years and toured as a vocal and ritual performer for 4 years. They are also an initiated conjurer and Patchakuti Mesa Carrier.

Owl Rare – Event Host, Multi-Business Owner, & Lead Coordinator, 200 HR RYT – MC for performance and consultant for translating work for Philly audiences.