Ayurveda for Self Care: 3 Class Series

November 6
November 13
November 20

10:00am – 11:00am ET

Click here to register!
Sessions will be held on zoom. You will receive an email with the link the day prior to the first class.

Ayurveda is a whole health/whole person science that is based on the same source wisdom as yoga. It teaches us how to care for our body and mind so we can hear and act on the wisdom of our soul. Caring for the Self in Ayurveda means attending to our and nature’s rhythms, establishing nourishing routines, and knowing how to replenish ourselves. If you would like to nurture yourself in healthy ways that that have a long lasting impact, join Nicole Taylor, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, for this nurturing workshop.

In this three-week Ayurvedic immersion you’ll:

· Explore your body and nature’s natural rhythms.

· Learn morning and evening routines to care for body, mind, and spirit.

· Understand how to replenish and support your deep vitality.

Sessions will be one hour each. Open to all, from beginners to those who want a refresher. Participants will receive a PDF workbook for ongoing learning.